
Monday, 1 July 2019

Artic and India - Strategic, Academic, Commercial

Artic and India

Why India is interested in Artic?

Artics have lowest temperatures and are seen to be very important from the climate studies especially with change in global temperatures. The warm artics are associated with change in world wind systems and change in precipitation. This means that the study of artics can give us data for monsoon predictions.

The improved technologies and the ice melt are making it possible to create sea routes from Asia to Europe. This would be a game changer in the economy of the area. Also, there would be minerals, hydrocarbons and other resources there in the artics.

India has academic, environmental, scientific, commercial, strategic  interests in the region.

Who does the research there?

 National Centre for Antarctic and Ocean Research (NCAOR), Goa now renamed to National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research (NCPOR), Goa

The NCPOR has a very informative website and the annual reports give a glimpse of the budget spend and outcomes of studies. The professionally run and motivated group of researchers goes to Himadri, Bharathi  (Indian research station in the International station) every year. 

The news and information of the expeditions/missions help Indian know more about the huge importance of  research at poles in day to day life.


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